Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka

Research Studies in The field of Telecommunications with the support of Universities & Research Institutions in Sri Lanka. 2006/07

Presentation of Final Research Reports - 30th March 2007

Welcome speech by Mr. Kanchana Ratwatte - Director General, TRCSL
“Implementing ENUM in Sri Lanka” by Dr. K.B.N.Ratnayake, Department of Electrical Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Peradeniya.
“Analytical Studies of Co-Channel Interference for Telecommunications Network” by Dr.K.Pirapaharan, Department of Electrical & Information Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, University of Ruhuna.
“Consumer Protection in Telecommunication Services Southern Province in Sri Lanka” by Mrs.H.S.C.Perera, Dean/ Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna.
“Services Quality and Telecommunications Services in the Southern Province in Sri Lanka” by Mrs.H.S.C.Perera, Dean/ Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna.
“Forecasting Demand for Telecommunication Services in Sri Lanka: A Case Study of Matara District ” by Mr.W.I.C.Gunasinghe, Assistant Lecturer, Department of Economics, and Faculty of Humanities & Social Science, University of Ruhuna.
“Problems and prospects of Telecommunications Services in the Ratnapura District” by Prof. J.W.D.Somasundara, N N K P Withanage Assistant Lecturer, Department of Social Science, Faculty of Social Science & Languages, University of Sabaragamuwa.
“Unbundling of Telecommunications Network Elements” by Ms. Malathy Knight John, Head/ Public Enterprise Reform Competition and Regulatory Policy Research Unit, and Ms. Dilini Hirimuthugodage, Research Assistant, Institute of Policy Studies, Colombo 3.
Closing remarks & vote of thanks by Mr. M. K. Jayasekera - Deputy Director Policy & International Relations , TRCSL


3rd November, 2006.
Discussion on the Interim Report on “ Consumer Protection” and “Quality of Service” at the Deans Office / Faculty of Management and Finance, University of Ruhuna.


13th October 2006
Discussion on the Interim Report on “Problems and Prospects of Telecommunications Services in the Ratnapura District” at the Department of Social Sciences, Sabaragamuwa University of Sri Lanka,Belihuloya.

6th July 2006.
Awareness programme on “Implementing E-NUM in Sri Lanka” by Dr.Nimal Ratnayake Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering University of Peradeniya.

17th January 2006
Initial Research Study Presentations.