Telecommunications Regulatory Commission of Sri Lanka

Technical Examinations

The Commission is vested with  authority underthe   Act to conduct technical examinations and issue certiicares  for candidates who reach the prescribed levels of proficiency at the examinations.
Examinations are usually conducted in English Medium once a year. The required application form could be obtained from the Commission free of charge or from the gazette notification, which would appear four weeks prior to the date of the examination.
The Commission currently coducts following Examinatinations.

  1. The Amateur Radio Operator’s License examination

The Amateur Radio Operator’s Licensecomprises three categories those areNovice Class, General Class andAdvanced Class.  This examination is primarily meant for associate members of the Radio Society of Sri Lanka, who are aspiring to become radio amateurs.Any person above fourteen (14) years of age is eligible to enter for the examination.
The Examinations comprise of two compulsory written papers to be undertaken at one sitting., one on Electrical Technology & Radio Communications and the other on Licensing conditions, Operating practices & procedures..Examination consists of two written papers


  1. Novice Class:
    Paper 1: Basic electricity, radio and electronic theory (2hours).
    Paper 2: licensing conditions, operating practices and procedures. (1hour)
    Amateurs those who have passed Novice Class examination are eligible for 4S5xxx call sign.
  2. General Class:
    Paper 1: Fundamentals of electricity and radio communication (2hours)
    Paper 2: licensing conditions, operating practices and procedures. (1hour)
    Amateur those who have passed General Class examination are eligible for 4S6xxx call sign.
  3. Advanced Class:
    Part 1:

    Paper 1: Advance electrical technology and radio communication (2hours)
    Paper 2: Licensing conditions, operating practices and procedures. (1hour)
    Part 2:
    Practical Morse code test (5 words per minute).
    Amateurthose who have passed Advance Class examination are eligible for 4S7xxx call sign.

Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GMDSS) Examinations.

The Commission has entrusdColombo International Nautical and Engineering College (CINEC) and Institute of Technology, University of Moratuwa to conduct thefollowing courses for the prospective candidates.

  1. Global Maritime Distress Safety System (GOC) examination
  2. Global Maritime Distress Safety System (ROC) examination

The Global Maritime Distress Safety System examinations are conducted instead of the Maritime Radio communication examinations. This requirement has been necessitated as a resultof the efforts made by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) who sought to improve the radio communication provisions of the International Convention for the Safety of Life at Sea (SOLAS).
The Commission has authorized theabove institutions to conduct the theory and practical of the Global Maritime Distress Safety System examinations as an interim arrangement. At present, students are required to pass two theory papers on SOLAS and Regulations and the practical test on “Watch Keeping and Operational Aspects” in accordance with the International Maritime Organization Model Course.